Echo call for artists – deadline 30 May 2008

download call to artists (pdf)

M5 & The 86 Collective present: echo — celebrating visionary talent transforming the boundaries in fields of new media.

Echo is a curated competition solliciting the most radical examples of work being produced in all fields of new media. The project seeks to expand this dialogue by showcasing original and insightful interpretations of the hyper-reflective relationship between technology and reality. Established through a collaboration between M5 and the 86 Collective, the event will exhibit these efforts in a gallery setting for a limited period of time. A juried panel determines which projects best adhere to the specified requirements.

The selection criteria can include, but is not limited to:
video, animation, installation/interactive components, or content utilizing existing mediums such as sound and photographic footage that have been digitally re-worked

Awards and additional competition details can be found here

Submission Requirements:
1. Participating artists must be 21 years of age or older
2. All video submissions must be submitted in the following format: NTSC 320×240 (letter-boxed at 16:9) and compressed as a quicktime movie. Please Burn to a CD / DVD and mail to the address below.
3. All installation concepts and video stills can be submitted as a pdf not exceeding 3mb if emailed. Installations must have illustrations and or diagrams with dimensions incorporated. Pdf’s can be emailed or mailed to the address below.
4. Please provide an email address and or mailing info so that we may confirm receipt of your work.
5. Include a brief description of the work or concept.
6. Resumes, bios or CV’s are recommended but not required.

Additional Submission Terms:
Your entry must be your own original work which cannot defame or invade publicity rights or privacy of any person, living or deceased, or otherwise infringe upon any person’s personal or property rights or any other third party rights. Further, entries cannot include content that alludes to: over consumption or irresponsible drinking, obscene, offensive, disparaging, dangerous, defamatory, libelous, graphic, inapplicable, or sexually inappropriate images, including, without limitation, those depicting violence, nudity, profanity, employ politics or political themes, Santa Claus, religious themes, gambling or betting or any type of illegal activity. Work may not use or reference famous people, or celebrities. All persons appearing or depicted in the Work must be at least 25 years of age at the time that Work was produced.

Entrants must either (a) own all the intellectual property rights in respect of the design (and the 3-dimensional representation thereof, if applicable) or (b) obtain all relevant permissions from third parties as are necessary to submit the entry and to grant all necessary rights to the Sponsor. Entrants must declare the names of any third parties who may have intellectual property, moral, or other rights in any part of the entry or its design or development. Entrants must be able to demonstrate on demand that that any third party rights have been assigned, licensed, or waived as appropriate. Entrants agree that they will sign any document(s) which may be reasonably requested of them in order to effect the rights mentioned under these terms and conditions; and entrants further agree that they shall procure such documents from any applicable third parties.

Submission Mailing:
845 West Fulton Market St., Suite #302
Chicago, IL. 60607

Email: submissions [at] (pdf’s only)
Submissions Deadline: May 30th
Finalists Notification: June 6th
Finals Deadline: June 20th
Exhibit Dates: June 26th – July 2

Nick Cave professor, Art Institute of Chicago
Christophe Gauspohl creative director, M5
Peter Gogarty creative director, M5
Joel Huffman principal, Vertu
Duane Kleczewski architect / designer, Kara Mann Design
Obi Nwazota principal, Orange Skin
Julia Rhoads creative director, lucky plush

Exhibit Location:
1101 West Fulton Market St.
Chicago, IL. 60607

Presentation Details
Finalists will have their work displayed on an architectural scrim stretching throughout the gallery space. For finalists displaying installations that incorporate mixed media such as audio and and other technical attributes, you will be contacted personally to discuss placement.


About M5 & The 86 Collective

M5 is a nonprofit interdisciplinary arts collective which explores the intersection of art, new media, performance, and architecture. Exploring various curatorial and exhibition practices, M5 fosters collaborative dialogue between artists engaged in a wide range of innovative creative production. After hosting events and shows for over ten years, M5 has emerged as a leading chicago cultural institution.

M5 implements its mission by fostering initiatives of EXHIBITION, EDUCATION, OPPORTUNITY, COMMUNITY, CULTURAL EXCHANGE, and COLLECTIVE.

The 86collective is a constantly reinvigorated gallery of 86 works, assembled by organizations in Denver, Miami, and Chicago, created by the most talented artists the medium has to offer. The collective aims to expose new masterpieces and also to discover new masters — wherever they might be found. If you feel you might be one of these new masters, you’re invited to submit your own work. If you’re an aficionado, you’re encouraged to visit the gallery again and again, exclaiming “awesome” at such times as you might deem appropriate.

Additional information can by be found at