East Midlands rural arts and culture website launched

Culture East Midlands, the Regional Cultural Consortia for the East Midlands has recently launched a new website supporting rural arts and culture in the East Midlands.

The website http://www.ruralculture-em.org is now live to the public.

The site is there to support the work of people developing cultural activity in rural areas and showcase projects from across the region. The site provides clear information on training and funding opportunities, news and events and signposts organisations that support cultural activity. Detailed case studies from some successful and pioneering projects across the East Midlands are available to download to inform and hopefully inspire more cultural projects in rural areas.

We are still in the process of developing the site’s content so any thoughts you might have when you visit, you can send to us via the contact form on the site, or email to mailto:

Isolation is a common aspect of rural life and this site aims to overcome some of those communication barriers by providing an
appropriate and accessible service to those working in culture in the rural East Midlands.

Culture in Rural Development Programme, Culture East Midlands, EMDA

Culture East Midlands, located with EMDA at Apex Court, City Link, Nottingham, NG2 4LA