E-Poetry 2007, Paris – deadline 19 February 2007


Every two years, the E-Poetry series of Digital Poetry Festivals constitutes the most important digital literary gathering in the field. Authors and researchers worldwide meet and present their ideas and works. E-Poetry plays an essential role in the development of this new literary field, and provides a forum for the circulation of the ideas and the debates that animate it.

New authors are coming up.The multifield european reaserch on digital poetry is inceasing. The Paris event will give them the opportunity of express the new tendencies.

The festival has two facets: a university symposium and numerous artistic presentations.The symposium will take place at the Université Paris VIII. It will permit researchers to present their latest research and for artists to premier their newest works. Symposium papers will be published by Hermès Science Publications.

Artistic events will take place at key Parisian venues, providing notable authors the opportunity to present their works to a public curious about new literary and artistic trends employing technology and communication.

Organizers: Loss Pequeño Glazier, Philippe Bootz, Patrick-Henri Burgaud, Jean Clément, Alexandre Gherban


What are we looking for?

Works edited on computer and impossible to show without electronic medium are preferred.

We seek works that are original, recent, and preferably created for the occasion.

Works can be sent on all kinds of supports and extensions (dvd, cdr, shockwave or flash files, java language, disquette 5″1/3., links to URL…)

A few lines explaining the author’s conception of the work are welcome (maximum one page A4)

The selected works will be presented during the artistic manifestations (for further information, see locations).

With your authorization they will taken on the DVD published by MotsVoir or on the web site created for the event.

Works must arrive at the latest April 15, 2007.

Patrick Burgaud
119 Chemin de la Vie Borne 01170 Echenevex France