DS7 Digital Storytelling Festival – Cardiff, 7 June 2012

The seventh anniversary of the Digital Storytelling Festival in Wales promises to inspire, encourage and showcase exciting projects across a wide spectrum of digital storytelling activity. This year it is hosted by the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling (University of Glamorgan) and will be held at Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff.

Whether your interest is in the arts, lifelong learning, community or heritage, this is your opportunity to share experiences, explore new creative ideas and look at examples of approaches to digital storytelling in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

DS7 presents a jam packed day of inspirational speakers and sessions on a wide range of topics within the field and offers an exciting opportunity to network with the national and international digital storytelling community.

Fee: £40, including refreshments and lunch

For information about booking please email

A flavour of what’s on offer:

Cowbird (Annie Correal):
Cowbird is a community of storytellers, focused on a deeper, longer-lasting, more personal kind of storytelling than you’re likely to find anywhere else on the Web.

Annie manages content and a growing community of authors on Cowbird and she will talk about the project and how she left a job as an old-fashioned reporter to cultivate this community of storytellers from around the world. Cowbird’s short-term goal is to pioneer a new form of participatory journalism, grounded in the simple human stories behind major news events.

Historypin (Natasha Armstrong):
Historypin is a way for millions of people to come together from across different generations, cultures and places, around the history of their families and neighbourhoods, increasing contact and building stronger communities.

As Community Manager, Natasha leads Historypin’s work with schools, communities and volunteers, taking participation directly into neighbourhoods to deliver the inter-generational and community aims of Historypin and to create sustainable and scalable models of delivery. Natasha spent 5 years teaching history in inner city London schools before moving into the charity sector where she has been managing and developing education and community projects including inter-generational projects and digital multi-media projects ever since.

There will be also be sessions from DeTales (Steve Bellis presents a collaborative European project) , Tower of London Stories (Alyson Fielding), Project ASPECT (stories of climate change) and more…

Keep posted to the DS7 blog for more information and sessions as they are confirmed:

Book your place
To book your place at DS7 please email to request a booking form and payment details.

Fee: £40 including refreshments and lunch


Gwyl Straeon Digidol DS7 (Chapter, Caerdydd, 7fed Mehefin 2012)

Mae’r Wyl eleni yn addo ysbyrdoli, annog a dangos y posibiliadau cyffrous sydd ym maes straeon digidol heddiw.

Oes ydych yn gweithio mewn addysg, yn y gymuned neu yn artist, dyma eich cyfle i rannu profiadau, archwilio syniadau creadigol newydd, gweld y diweddaraf mewn datblygiadau technolegol, edrych ar esiamplau o’r ymaferiadau gorau yn y DU a’r byd ac mae’n gyfle i ddathlu pwysigrwydd straeon digidol.

Mae DS7 yn cyflwyno diwrnod llawn dop o siaradwyr i’ch hysbrydoli a sesiynau ar bob dim y gallwch feddwl amdano ac mae’n gyfle euraidd i ryngweithio gyda’r gymuned adrodd straeon digidol ar hyd Cymru, y DU a thu hwnt.

Eleni, mae DS7 yn symud o’i leoliad blynyddol yn nhre hardd Aberystwyth, ble y cafodd ei gynnal am y 6 mlynedd diwethaf. Ar Fehefin y 7fed 2012, mi fydd yr Wyl yn cael ei gynnal yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Chapter, Caerdydd, Cymru, DU. Ni allwn gynnig y lleoliad hyfryd ar arfodir Cymru yr ydym wedi profi dros y chwe mlynedd diwethaf, ond rydym yn hyderus o barhau yn nhraddoadiad yr Wyl – ymgynull grwp o bobl amrywiol sydd a diddordeb mewn straeon digidol yn eu chyfanrwydd at’i gilydd.

Er fod yr Wyl yn cael ei chynnal yng Nghymru, mae’n ymestyn at gynulleidfaoedd ar draws y DU, a’r byd. O achos hyn, Saesneg yw iaith nifer helaeth o’r cyfranogwyr a’r gynulleidfa a dyma yw prif iaith yr Wyl.

Archebu eich lle

I archebu eich lle ar gyfer DS7 cysylltwch gyda am ffurflen archebu os gwelwch yn dda.

Ffi: £40 gan gynnwys bwyd a lluniaeth.

Am fanylion pellach ar yr ?yl ynghyd a gwybodaeth ar y sesiynau, ewch i flog DS7:
