Hex Gallery Kansas City, Missouri/USA
Hello friends!
We’re opening up a digital art gallery in Kansas City, Missouri called the HEX Pixel Gallery that shows Digital / HD Video / and Interactive work. We’ve got a great art scene here, but there’s not a gallery that primarily focuses on video and digital installations.
We will feature the work of one artist for one evening on the first friday of every month, which are huge occasions here in Kansas City.
Our space has 3 large 1080p projectors, media drives, computers and access to a lot of other stuff we can set up that we can use to play back video or interactive art. We are making a point to have no printed collateral of any kind. We’ll be mounting iPads around the space to allow people to read more information about the artist. The displays will also contain a QR code which links to a page with more information. All publicity and signage in the space is digital.
If you are interested in showing at HEX Pixel Gallery please send a CV and/or artist statement and links to a few pieces of your work to
Things to consider when applying:
1. HEX is heavily focused on high resolution digital work, so please know that HEX prefers HD content over SD, especially for single channel video work.
2. HEX is only open one day a month, so interactive or installation work needs to be temporary and able to be quickly installed and uninstalled.
3. HEX really likes your shoes. Are they new?
HEX Pixel Gallery
1906 Wyandotte
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
United States of America