Design a Currency Symbol for the Indian Rupee – deadline 15 April 2009

Please note: this website is not related to the competition – I am simply posting this here for your information.

Design the India Rupee Symbol – Public contest

While symbols like Rs are commonly used to represent the Indian Rupee, these are no official currency signs and therefore the Government of India has now announced a public contest to pick up a sign that will represent the currency of India.

You may send the symbol on an A-4 size paper in black and white print and that the size of the final currency symbol design should not be smaller than 36 sq inches.

The symbol has to be either in the Indian National Language Script or a visual representation but should be applicable to the standard computer keyboard.

This PDF form from the Ministry of Finance has full details of the competition. The Government also wants to ensure that your Indian Rupee design represents the historical and cultural ethos of India.

Indian RUPEEMembers from Reserve Bank of India and art institutes like National Institute of Design, Lalit Kala, Sir JJ Institute of Applied Art, and othre would comprise the jury that will select the winning currency design.

If you are a creative artist or designer, this is your ultimate chance to create history – if your currency design is chosen, you’ll be forever remembered in history books of the world (and Wikipedia) as the “official designer of Indian currency symbol”.