Decoding the Digital – V&A Museum, London, 4-5 February 2010

Thursday 4 & Friday 5 February
10.00-17.30 each day
Decoding the Digital

Hochhauser Auditorium, Sackler Centre, Victoria & Albert Museum

A rare opportunity to hear a dialogue between contemporary digital practice and historical collections within the world of digital and computer generated art and design. Speakers include artist Frieder Nake and writer Edward Shanken, with theorists Charlie Gere and Beryl Graham. There will be an in-conversation between Paul Brown and his son Daniel Brown. Other contributors include the collector Michael Spalter, the writer and artist Anne Morgan Spalter, plus Louise Shannon (V&A) and Shane Walter (Director, onedotzero), co-curators of the V&A exhibition Decode, and Douglas Dodds, one of the curators of the V&A display Digital Pioneers.

£50, £40 concessions, £10 students for two days
£25, £20 concessions, £5 students for one day

Further details and bookings:

In collaboration with Birkbeck College, with support from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The CAS Spring 2010 programme continues:

2 March – Ron Chrisley & Joel Parthmore – at the London Knowledge Lab.

6 April – Tina Gonsalves – at the London Knowledge Lab.

4 May – visit to Goldsmith’s College Maths & Art Archive
organised by Janis Jefferies

14-16 June – Computational Aesthetics – CAe 2010 at the BCS
co-sponsored by BCS CAS SG and Eurographics

14-16 July – Electronic Visualisation and the Arts – EVA 2010 at BCS
sponsored by BCS CAS SG

CAS – supporting the computer arts for over 40 years
The BCS CAS SG is a British Computer Society Specialist Group