CREEM Creativity Workshops: What is Creativity? An exploration of definitions, language, and associated terms
Wednesday 17th October, 10.00-12.00pm
at the IOCT
The term creativity means different things to different people. To some it is deeply personal, to others a product of environments. What is its relationship to innovation, to design?
This workshop is an attempt to explore these issues so that we can begin to develop a better understanding of our perceptions of creativity and its language. We will work towards a shared definition of creativity from different viewpoints and perspectives.
Following from the IOCT’s online discussion on ‘favourite definitions of creativity’, the workshop facilitates discussion on definitions of creativity among participants from diverse discipline areas. Starting with the design discipline, the general nature of creativity is explored from a wide range of viewpoints including philosophy, technology (CS), society (Humanities), economics, education, and politics.
Who is this for?
This workshop is aimed at anyone who is interested or engaged in crossdisciplinary creative work. Differences in creative language and process can often be a barrier to this type of project, and so a better understanding of creativity from other points of view can lead to more productive and fruitful collaborations.
To find out more
Contact Thom Corah
E: tcorah [at]
T: 0116 2506382