Location: Fellows Library of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2DD
About the seminar
Alan Turing is of course rather far from being unknown. His roles in laying the foundations of computer science and in devising a machine method for breaking into the Enigma cipher at Bletchley Park are prominent in the popular imagination. This talk will look at some of the lesser known aspects of his life and work. How did Alan Turing spend the second part of World War 2? Until recently the answer to this question has been covered by the Official Secrets Act. And after World War 2, what was the focus of his research? The talk also looks at Alan Turing’s pioneering use of the Manchester Mark I computer to solve some of the fundamental questions of developmental biology.
About the speaker
Dermot Turing spent his career in the legal profession, most recently as a partner of Clifford Chance. He is now focusing on the history of cryptology and is active as a trustee of Bletchley Park. Dermot Turing is the nephew of Alan Turing and author of the latest biography on Turing (‘Prof’ : Alan Turing Decoded, published in 2015 by The History Press).