an art event of associazione Art-ur
sponsor: regione piemonte . provincia di cuneo . comune di cuneo .
fondazione crt . fondazione crc . accademia albertina . collezione la gaia .
art.1 description
The Art.ur Association and the Cuneo City Council announce the 2009 ZOOart Exhibition. The 8th edition of this contemporary art show will be held in July in the Fresia Gardens, originally the site of the city’s zoo.
Once again the organisers intention is to bring contemporary art into the public arena, as well as offering an opportunity for young artists to exhibit their work.
Since it’s inception, the idea behind ZOOart has been to offer a space to unknown young artists and also bring attention to those who have also achieved some notoriety. Furthermore in this year’s exhibition, the intention is to create connections between the artists and the Piemontese contemporary art circuit.
Again this year the exhibition is a group show, held for four days each week, from Thursday to Sunday, for three weeks. The works chosen to be exhibited will be exhibited for one or more weeks commencing on Thursday the 2nd, then the following Thursdays on the 9th and 16th.
Artists who would like to participate are requested to send in a proposal that takes into account the following conditions.
art.2 conditions
Participation is open to young artists of any nationality, representation as individuals or group works. Three preferential places will be offered to students enrolled at the Albertina Academy in Turin and five place to artists working in the Piedmont region. There is no fee for participation.
art.3 object for selection
Candidates can submit one or more proposals of works in the form of sculptures, installations, drawings, paintings, photographic works, videos, performance, audio and new media installations, etc.
Given the large area available sculptures and installations are site specific and must occupy an area of 3m x 3m (exact size will be discussed and agreed upon in more detail with the organisers at a later phase and will depend upon the project) and must be designed for the outdoors as there is no provision for the works to be moved or covered in the event of bad weather.
The works must not in any way subject the public, who frequent the gardens where the works are to be displayed, to any harm.
Drawings, paintings and photographic works must cover 12 to 15 linear metres with a maximum height of 2.4 metres. The maximum size of a singular work must not exceed 2m x 2.4m. Works will be hung on display boards during opening hours and held in a storeroom outside of the exhibition opening hours.
Videos must be suitable for projection onto a screen 6 metres x 3 metres in size and must not exceed 2 minutes in length.
Musical or theatrical performances must not be more than 20 minutes long.
art.4 methods of participation
Documentation of the proposal must be sent to:
Associazione Art.ur
Casella Postale 208
12100 Cuneo Centro Italia
Documentation required:
1. name and address of the candidate/s (please indicate clearly if the candidate is a student at the Albertina Academy or working in the Piedmont region).
2. curriculum vitae
3. title and detailed written presentation of the proposal
4. graphic representation of the work/s to be exhibited in a maximum of six A4 pages (comprising of sketches, photos, drawings etc.) including indication of size of actual works
5. a CD comprising all the above mentioned documentation.
For proposals of videos or performance art, in addition to the documentation listed above at points 1,2 and 3, it is also necessary to supply a cd of the work proposed.
All documentation supplied must be clearly identifiable (name and surname must be written on the back of all images, on the front of all written material and on the covers of cds, etc.). None of the documentation received will be returned to artists.
art.5 deadline
All documentation of the proposal must be received by March 2nd, 2009.
art.6 criteria for selection by panel of judges
A panel of qualified experts, made up of curators and artists will judge the submissions received.
The panel will take into account the curriculum of candidate and also the site specific nature of the works proposed. Criteria include the quality, innovative aspects and overall creativity of the work .
The panel will examine the submissions received and inform the only the candidates that have been chosen to participate in the exhibition. These candidates will be asked to have all work on site by the 2nd , 9th or 16th of July 2009. The works must be in every way the same as those proposed to the panel.
The submissions that are chosen to be exhibited will be published in the ZOOart.09 catalogue. The selected artists may be invited to participate in workshops or other initiatives that are organised in parallel to the exhibition.
Both the realisation and transport of the works are at the cost of the artist. The organising body may be able to make a small contribution towards travelling costs and assist with homestay accommodation in the case of artists coming from distant localities.
Art works will be returned to the artists at the end of the exhibition, the timing will be organised directly with each artist.
The organising body will not take any responsibility for damages to the art works that occurs while the works are in their possession.
art.7 permissions and copyright
The organising body reserve the right to use any material in the submission received and to photograph the selected works for archiving purposes. The organising body is excluded from publishing rights of the artist for the reproduction and use of images for the purposes of the exhibition.
Exhibiting artists hold all responsibility for any issue that may arise as a result of the works being published or exhibited are completely
art.8 use of personal details
Personal details of the artist/s will be used by the Art.ur association exclusively for ZOOart 2009.
Iin accordance with the art.7, D.Lgs 196/2003 it is possible to request that personal details be removed from the associations list by writing to: associazione Art.ur, Casella Postale 208, 12100, CUNEO Centro.
art.9 information
Participation in the exhibition is taken as agreement to above mentioned conditions.
Info: Associazione Art.ur, Casella Postale 208, 12100, CUNEO Centro.
tel: +393396908997 fax: +390171689960
mail: pqemi [at] tiscali.it zooarte [at] gmail.com
web: www.zooart.it
deadline: 02.03.2009
For images of the gardens during the exhibition period please look at: www.zooart.it