The VIDA Award is granted to artistic creations developed using artificial life technology. Among the projects submitted to VIDA, the artists‚ ties to this theme and their choice of media are very diverse.
Throughout its history, the competition has welcomed proposals that challenge the boundary between living and non-living, between natural and synthetic, either by juxtaposing both realities or by creating overlapping spaces for reflection.
As in previous years, contestants are invited to submit proposals in one of two categories:
CATEGORY FINALISED PROJECTS: In this category, Vida 14.0 rewards artistic artificial life projects developed after the year 2010.
A total of 40.000 euros will be divided among the three winning projects chosen by the jury:
First Prize: 18.000 euros;
Second Prize: 14.000 euros;
Third Prize: 8000 euros.
Seven honorary mentions will also be awarded to projects chosen by the jury from among the finalists.
CATEGORY INCENTIVES FOR PRODUCTION: In this category, Vida 14.0 helps to finance artistic artificial life projects that have not yet been produced. It is reserved for artists who are citizens or residents of any country in Latin America, Spain or Portugal. This category is also endowed with 40.000 euros to be divided among the selected projects.