Call for works: Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research #4 – deadline 31 January 2011

Call for Submissions
Friction Research Isssue #4, Spring 2011

Deadline: January 31 2011

“When the possibility of expressing social reform vanishes, time has come to change our ‘Minds'”

Reclaim the Mind is a transmedial collaborative initiative exploring empty spots in the human mind by:

– occupying the area between ‘reality’ and ‘truth’,
– re-using forgotten (collective) memory-spaces,
– connecting mental processes with physical spaces,
– rewriting, tearing apart, scratching and stretching our lived environment in an effort to liberate our ursurpated sensibilities.

Reclaim the Mind reclaims the idiomatic resources, currently abused by the ‘Creative Industries’ and jeopardized by a majority of ‘National Governments’, and will intentionally break seperations between established cultural and political domains.

Reclaim the Mind aims to protect the incomprehensible treasure of mankind, threatened by:

Censorship, Territorization, Mapping, Propaganda, Misconduct, Betrayal, Mediocracy, Occultism, Commercialized Education, Orthodoxy, Cultural Lobotomization, Zombie Politics

We invite artists, writers, academics to contribute to our call for works by submitting works, which reflects upon ‘Reclaiming the Mind’, in a broader sense, ranging from visuals, videos, musics, essays etc. to:

The following digital formats apply:

text: word, rtf, pdf or text – no more than 2000 words, abstracts about 500 words.
images: jpg, png, gif – any size/format
video: mov, mpg – duration: no more than 2 minutes.
audio: wav, mp3 – duration: no more than 5 minutes.

Feel free to adorn your submission.

Submissions will be published in the Spring 2011 issue of Nictoglobe Online Magazine as part of our ‘Friction Research Series’


Andreas Maria Jacobs – Editor in Chief
Nictoglobe Online Magazine