Display: Consume: Respond – Digital Engagement with Art
Thursday 15 – Friday 16 November 2012, Central London venue TBC
Since its foundation in 1985 CHArt has engaged in topical issues in Digital Art History. This year CHArt is looking at how new developments in information and communications technology affect the ways in which we engage with art. New forms of digital display or emerging modes of viewing art may have profound effects on both our understanding of the artwork itself (the way we consume it) and our ability or appetite for describing, curating and managing it (how we respond to it).
CHArt invites papers that examine emerging practice and where it impacts upon digital art practice, research and curation. Areas for consideration include:
* Control of authorship, ownership and access
* Collaboration and the interdisciplinary break-down
* Participation, quick response and interaction
* Consumption, re-use and mashup
* Mobile technology, apps and education
* Connections between art, interface design, usability and user experience
* Globalisation, agility, dissemination and big data
* Liquidity and permeability of digital culture
Contributions are welcome from all sections of the CHArt community: art historians, artists, architects and architectural theorists and historians, philosophers, curators, conservators, scientists, cultural and media theorists, archivists, technologists and educationalists.
Submissions should be in the form of a 300-400 word synopsis of the proposed paper with brief biographical information (no more than 200 words) of presenter/s, and should be emailed to by Friday, June 1st 2012. Please note that submissions exceeding the stated word count will not be considered.
Postgraduate students are encouraged to submit a proposal. CHArt is able to offer assistance with the conference fees for up to four student delegates. Priority will be given to students whose papers are accepted for presentation. An application form and proof of university enrolment will be required. For further details about the Helene Roberts Bursary please email
c/o Department of Digital Humanities
Kings College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL