Workshop @ Creativity and Cognition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 3-6 November, 2011
We have reached a special moment in the story of the book: today’s youngest generation will experience literature in a vastly different way than the generation preceding. What we call a book has always morphed over time, but digital capabilities and the ubiquity of mobile electronics are changing the landscape at an unprecedented pace. What forms will the spirit of “book” take many years from now?
This workshop will be a forum for creative exploration and discussion of the future of the book, motivated by this particular historical moment and a desire to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds who are working on book-related technologies. We will share and document visions, approaches, and techniques.
Join us at this Workshop to:
Share ideas, techniques, and approaches with researchers from diverse disciplines.
Discuss the history, present landscape and future directions for book technologies.
Produce a bound volume collecting new book exemplars: a book of future books.
How to participate ?
We are looking for creative explorations that preserve, reinvent, or repurpose the functions and affordances of the book. We welcome a wide range of practitioners from areas including engineering, interaction design, research or art. Unconventional and non-traditional submissions are welcome.
We encourage participants to bring along materials showcasing prototyped concepts and works-in-progress for discussion and inspiration.
Submit the work as a video or images with a 2 page description paper explaining the concept, or a 4 page position paper discussing your approach to the theme. Submissions must be sent as a pdf file formatted according to the ACM SIGCHI Publications Format
Submissions should be sent to
Important Dates:
Extended submission deadline: July 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance for submitted work: July 31, 2011
Please notice that at least one author of each accepted work must
register for the workshop and the C&C 2011 conference.
For questions concerning the workshop please contact the organizers:
For a detailed description of the workshop and up to date information:
Natalie Freed1, Jie Qi1, Cristina Sylla2, Pedro Branco2,3
1 – MIT Media Lab
2 – engageLab, University of Minho /Portugal
3 – Dept. of Information Systems, University of Minho /Portugal