Call for projects – SEEING at Science Gallery Dublin – deadline 21 January 2016

Science Gallery Dublin
Open call: SEEING exhibition proposals
Application deadline: January? 21, 2016, 5pm (GMT)
Exhibition: June 23–September 18, 2016

Science Gallery
Trinity College Dublin
Pearse Street
Dublin 2

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder, or the orbitofrontal cortex? Do artists really look at the world differently, or for that matter does sex, species, or attitude change what you see? How is seeing more than just looking, and could vision be just one of many ways of seeing? How does the brain interpret what our eyes glimpse, and how will computers, artificial intelligence, and machines further change the way we look at our world?

In summer 2016, Science Gallery Dublin will tackle the complex sensory experience of seeing, understanding, and perception. SEEING will illuminate optics, perspective, and comprehension while exploring enhanced and augmented ways of seeing, artificial eyes, and radical alternatives to vision.

Is there something special about this dominant sense, or should we only trust half of what we hear and none of what we see?

For the open call Science Gallery Dublin are especially interested in projects that explore themes and topics such as:
–Machine vision (e.g. facial recognition)
–Perception, comprehension, and understanding
–Perspective (both spatial and contextual)
–The perception of beauty, especially neuroaesthetics
–Emotional aspects of seeing—perspective, empathy, “otherness”
–Animal vision
–Artificial Intelligence, especially visual image processing
–Robot navigation (drones, self-driving cars etc.)
–Use of optics, lenses, and prisms in art and science
–Visual impairment, augmented vision, and alternatives to vision, including artificial synaesthesia
–How technology “sees”; especially bias, misunderstanding, and similar anthropomorphic “fails”
–Seeing at scale—from deep space and long-range telemetry to tilt-shift and micro-photography
–Color blindness and colour perception

Semir Zeki—Professor of Neuroaesthetics, University College London
Kate Coleman—Ophthalmologist and general ophthalmic surgeon
Lynn Scarff—Director, Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin
Gerard Lacey—Professor of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin

What makes a good Science Gallery Dublin open call proposal?
The curatorial panel are looking for projects that match Science Gallery Dublin’s three core aims: to connect, participate, and surprise. There are some tips about what makes a strong proposal on the application page here.

We are looking for up to 25 works for the SEEING exhibition. Proposals will be funded up to a maximum budget of 3,500 EUR. Two outstanding original works may be commissioned with a higher budget of up to 8,000 EUR. Please note that these are maximum amounts, not targets. Science Gallery Dublin are happy to provide letters of support for applicants seeking funding from elsewhere.?

How to apply
For more information on the SEEING open call, proposal tips and how to submit your application, please visit