Call for presenters – Vision On: Digital Video and Oral History, Museum of London – deadline 29 October 2010

Oral History Society and Museum of London study day

At the Museum of London, 20 November 2010, 10.15am – 5pm

This lively study day will explore and reflect upon the uses, benefits and challenges of digital video technologies for oral history. The day could not be more timely, with increasing numbers of people using digital video to collect and share oral history interviews, but reservations about the medium still holding sway for some. The study day will consider what digital video actually means for oral history.

People using oral history in a range of ways – including those working in museums, community-based groups, schools and higher education – are invited. There will be a mix of debates, presentations, plenty of screenings, and workshop sessions to enable discussion.

Questions to be addressed include:
– What are the arguments for and against the use of digital video for oral history?
– What is the impact of video on the makers, interviewees and audiences?
– What makes good video oral history?

If you would like to share your thoughts on any of these questions and present your work as part of a workshop session, please contact Sarah Gudgin ( sgudgin[at] ). Presentations will be 10 – 15 minutes. Please provide a summary of what you would discuss (no more than 200 words) and a clip or link to a clip of your video oral history work (no more than 5 minutes). The deadline for submissions is Friday 29 October 2010.

For registration for the study day, contact Belinda Waterman: belinda[at]

Further information is available on the Oral History Society website: