Call for Presentations:
Transliteracy Conference
Tuesday 9 February 2010, 9:30 – 17:30
Phoenix Square Digital Media Centre, Leicester, UK
In association with the Institute of Creative Technologies & the NLab Small Business Network, De Montfort University
Deadline for Abstracts: 1 December, 2009
Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks. Since 2005, when Professor Sue Thomas introduced this concept in the UK, transliteracy has been taken up and explored by a broad range of academics and practitioners, from information scientists to literary theorists, artists and writers. The first Transliteracy Conference will take place at Leicester’s new Phoenix Square Digital Media Centre, on 9 Feb 2010. This one-day event offers an opportunity for academics, artists, business people and practitioners to share discoveries, ideas, and creative works that amplify and augment transliteracy research.
This Call for Presentations invites 250 word abstracts. Presentations should be 10-15 minutes in duration, and can be used to show work or deliver a short paper. The Conference Panel will group presentations together thematically in sessions scheduled to include time to explore the issues and ideas raised through discussion. Phoenix Square is well equipped with the latest technology, so presenters will be able to show work on screen and via the internet.
Themes to be explored include:
* transliteracy and libraries
* transliteracy and the arts
* transliteracy in education
* transliteracy in communications
* transliteracy in the workplace
* transliteracy and transdisciplinarity
* transliteracy in action – examples of transliterate works, like digital fiction, networked arts projects, or library resources
Abstracts should be submitted in the body of an email to transliteracy [at] Please include a 100-word bio and contact email address.
Deadline for abstracts is 1 December, 2009; notification of acceptance by 18 December, 2009.
Further information can be obtained from Louisa Allen at transliteracy [at]
We expect to charge a modest delegate fee to cover costs.
Selected materials from the conference will be published online at
For more about The Transliteracy Research Group (TRG) see
To discuss Transliteracy visit