Call for papers/texts – Generative and Algorithmic Art, Leonardo Electronic Almanac – deadline 15 September 2012

This special issue of Leonardo Electronic Almanac seeks to investigate the long history of generative and algorithmic art, from the historical predecessors mentioned above, to contemporary computational artworks. We invite proposals for articles examining generative and algorithmic art practices from the ancient world to the present day, and artists’ projects and pictorial essays engaging with these procedures and structures. Submissions might investigate issues of authorial control, predictability and unpredictability, chance and “aleatoric” methods of art making, or might propose theoretical and philosophical explorations of the concepts of hardware and software, the materiality of generative systems, video feedback as a generative system, the relationship between generative art and cinematic practices, or the historically expansive and ever expanding range of technologies capable of executing generative systems.

Leonardo Electronic Almanac a peer reviewed journal (ISSN No: 1071-4391), is the electronic arm of the pioneer art journal, Leonardo – Journal of Art, Science & Technology. LEA Editorial Board is composed of internationally recognized academics who are experts in their respective fields. Lanfranco Aceti and Ozden Sahin the Co-Editor envisage the Leonardo Electronic Almanac as an incubator that develops research projects, conferences and exhibition that are later on published in a variety of formats: e.g. catalogs, books and magazine issues.

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