Call for papers: Storyworlds across Media – deadline 31 March 2011

call for papers: Storyworlds across Media all. Mediality – Multimodality – Transmediality, Mainz, Germany, June 30 – July 2 2011

Invited are proposals for papers on the following aspects of storyworlds across media:

Transmedial narratological concepts: What are the theoretical problems encountered by the project of a transmedial narratology that spans different media? To what extent and under what conditions can narratological concepts be applied across narrative media?

Mediality of Narrative: In what ways is the mediality of pictorial narrative (e.g. paintings, photographs), graphic narrative (e.g. graphic novels), audiovisual narrative (e.g. TV-series, film), and interactive narrative (e.g. computer games) relevant for their specific narrativity?

Intermedial Relations: How do older media react to the emergence of new media by imitating their techniques or borrowing their resources? How do new media start out borrowing the narrative forms of older media but
eventually develop their own forms?

Transmedial Narration: What kinds of specific problems arise from the transmedial representation of characters, events, and storyworlds in the context of adaptations, transmedia storytelling franchises, and other forms of transmedial narration?

deadline: March 31 2011