Mapping e-lit: Reading and analysis of digital literature is an International Conference organized by the Research Group HERMENEIA and the University of Barcelona that will take place at CaixaForum Barcelona on October 13th and 14th, 2011.
The Conference is based on the research that “HERMENEIA: Literary Studies and Digital Technologies” (a group from the University of Barcelona recognized as a consolidated team by the Generalitat de Catalunya -SGR 2009-529-) has been developing since 2000. The Conference aims to be a meeting and reflection point of Digital Literature. In this decade, the presence of e-lit in the different Spanish and European universities has been increased up to the point that, in this academic year, two associations of reference in the literary studies in Spain –the organization of Comparative Literature and the one on Literary Theory, SELGYC and ASETEL- have dedicated important monographic spaces in their respective conferences. The international character of HERMENEIA as a group allowed the establishment of different links with European and American groups that now they weave a wide range of relationships. In this Conference we want to specifically tackle the analysis of Digital Literature. At the same time, we are also interested in observing the influence of the digital in the most contemporary printed literature.
The Conference wants to offer an immersion in the field of electronic literature by means of the participation and the dialog of national and international specialists in the matter, at the same time that offers the opportunity to establish a direct contact with the authors and critics of digital works and the great variety of practices. Thus, it will be possible to observe and analyze the condition of the question of the digital literature from diverse and complementary perspectives. Also, we will be able to evaluate the question of the canon after the publication, in 2011, of the second volume of the Electronic Literature Collection of the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO). It will also be studied the trip from the page to the screen and inversely, the interferences and influences between of both expressive languages- the print and the digital-. Finally, we will analyze the academic networks that at European level have been implemented: the recent concession of the project ELMCIP and the imminent public appearance of the group DDD-Lit (Digital, Digital, Digitale Littérature) where HERMENEIA is involved as well and is a part of his founding core (created March, 2011).
Objectives of the Conference
1. The discussion about the state of the art of Digital Literature.
2. The Presentation, guided reading and analysis of digital works from a double perspective, the author and the scholar.
3. The Reflection about the politics promotion and reserving of Digital Poetry, political of diffusion and conservation of the digital literature.
The International Conference Mapping e-lit: Reading and analysis of digital literature invites submissions around the following aspects:
• The journey from the page to the screen. Transmediality.
• Close-reading E-lit.
• The “enhanced” Literature. New ways of reading on the screen.
• Obsolescence of E-lit and conservation strategies of digital literature.
Paper Submission
Papers (15 minutes each) are to be submitted before September 10th 2011, with the title and an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
Submissions are to be sent by email to
Selection Process
Proposals will immediately be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and those accepted will be notified before September 15th 2011.
Early registration
Registration period: from 18/07/2011 until 20/09/2011
Communication: 200 €
Attendance: 250 €
Students: 150 €
Late registration
Registration period: from 20/09/2011 until 07/10/2011
Communication: 250€
Attendance: 250€
Students: 150€
Research Group HERMENEIA certifies participants presenting their communications.
Recognition of 2 “free election” credits has been requested.
Organizing committee
-Laura Borràs, professor of Theory of the Literature at the University of Barcelona, Director of the Research Group Hermeneia and Academic Director of the “Màster en Literatura en l’Era digital” at the University of Barcelona/Grup 62.
-Oreto Doménech Masià, teacher of the IES Paco Mollà (Alacant) and member of Hermeneia. She is finishing her final project for the “Màster en Literatura en l’Era digital” at the University of Barcelona/Grup 62.
-Sandra Hurtado Escobar, Research assistant of the Group Hermeneia. She is finishing her final project for the “Màster en Literatura en l’Era digital” at the University of Barcelona/Grup 62.
-Berta Rubio Faus, Professional Reader, copy editor and member of the Hermeneia. She is finishing her final project for the “Màster en Literatura en l’Era digital” at the University of Barcelona/Grup 62.
Scientific Committee
-Joan Elies Adell, Espai Llull (l’Alguer)
-Laura Borràs, Universitat de Barcelona (Catalonia)
-Giovanna Di Rosario, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
-Raffaele Pinto, Universitat de Barcelona (Catalonia)
-Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez, Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
-Perla Sassón-Henry, United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, USA)