Call for net art created 2000-2010: deadline 1 September 2010

Call for proposals
ongoing from 1 September 2009 – 1 September 2010


2010 – 10 Years JavaMuseum -JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2010, but that’s not all –>
in addition [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2010, as well.

On this occasion, JavaMuseum is planning a big show online, entitled: “CELEBRATE!”

Founded in 2000 and active since 2001 as a corporate part of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork:||cologne
JavaMuseum is one of the relevant platforms for Internet based art on the net. Under the direction of Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, JavaMuseum realised more than 20 showcases and competitions of netart in a global context between 2001 and 2009 and is hosting a comprehensive collection of netart since 2000 including more than 400 artists and 1000 art works.

In 2006, JavaMuseum launched – JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Project containing meanwhile more than 80 interviews with expersts and artists in the fields of digital and electronic art.

On occasion of its 10th anniversary, JavaMuseum is planning to launch in autumn 2010 a netart show, entitled: Celebrate! in order to celebrate netart as an exciting, but anyway widely underestimated art genre, yet.

This represents the best reason for inviting artists active on the fields of new, digital and electronic media to submit their latest or their older netart art projects which may originate from the years 2000-2010.

Please find the details, regulations and entry form on

JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art and
JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Project
are corporate parts of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
the experimental platform for art and new media
from Cologne/Germany
