Proposal for Artworks: Open call for interactive artworks of any form
San Jose exhibition May/June 2016
DEADLINE for submission 13th January 2016
We are calling for exhibits, both for a catalogue and for the exhibition “Inter/Action: digital art that responds” presented by ACM SIGCHI CHI2016 and WORKS/San Jose Gallery: an exhibition that will be open to the public and last six weeks, feature work selected from submissions to CHI and representations of historically significant interactive art.
We want to showcase the best and newest interactive art, to show it and stimulate the community to think creatively, to engage as interaction professionals with interactive art. Beyond that, we just want to show the best interactive art in this first CHI art exhibition.
You may have demonstrated an artwork in the Interactivity section of CHI in the past, but this year there is the new, additional, opportunity of exhibiting in a public gallery devoted only to art. CHI takes on Art and we will be showing the value of our best work in a full art context.
Launching at the conference, the exhibition will extend until mid-June.
Interactive artists – join in!
Ernest Edmonds and Jason Challas, Co-Exhibition Chairs CHI2016