Call for Ideas: Jailbrake – deadline 26 February 2010

As part of its ‘Reboot Britain’ programme, The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) has now launched a series of cutting-edge new projects that will explore innovative ways in which collaborative web technologies can be applied to some of society’s biggest social challenges.

The experimental ‘Reboot Britain’ programmes will explore how web technologies, with their focus on collaboration, self-organisation, openness and sharing of knowledge, allow people to engage and interact more easily with public service providers and have more of a say in the design and delivery of services. The aim is to cut bureaucracy, increase response times and demonstrate new solutions to public service delivery which complement traditional approaches.

Call for Ideas : Jailbrake

The first project to launch, ‘Jailbrake’, run in conjunction with Social Innovation Camp aims to find ways to use simple web and mobile tools to help break the cycle of re-offending by the many thousands of young people who get caught up in the criminal justice system each year. The call for ideas is now open and the closing date is 26th February 2010.

Ideas are welcomed from anyone with an interest in this area, whether you are part of a Local Authority, youth offending team, service user or a software developer, designer or funder who can help turn the ideas into live projects.

For further information and to enter an idea online visit: or contact