MIPTV’s fifth annual Content 360 cross-media competition is open for entries and has got some new, heavyweight category partners: the European Commission and France’s leading national broadcaster TF1. New this year, the European Commission, in partnership with leading online video platform Dailymotion, will take part in Content 360 with its own category. Open to professionals as well as to the general public, this new category will reward the best video clips mixing EU archives with user-generated content and will award the winner a 10,000€ cash prize. TF1 is joining the Content 360 founding partners BBC, National Film Board of Canada and the Korea Communications Commission, in creating a category in the competition: cross- media
advertising formats and techniques. Content360 is also launching a new ‘Next Generation Audience Engagement’ category. Up to 10 new companies or freelance individuals will be chosen to pitch their ideas at MIPTV, based on the originality and potential of their application or content to attract and engage audiences via digital media.
details: http://www.mipworld.com/en/MIPTV/conferences-and-events/content-360/
deadline: February 15 2010