Call for entries: Abstract Text – deadline 31 August 2015

This is an open call to all writers to submit your abstract texts to be featured in the second volume of a collaborative attempt to deliver an abstract literature printed book.

Deadline for submissions is August 31st, 2015.

You can submit as many texts as you please (a minimum of 2 per author). Remember to write down the date the text was finished and two sentences on how you got to write that specific text. (it is important data I need for the book). If your texts have been featured in the first volume of Abstract|Ext, please do not submit again, as the objective is to feature a new set of authors.

Preferred language is ENGLISH. Any texts not submitted in this language are subject to be brutally translated by a well-known Google app, as a necessary upgrade towards absolute abstraction.

Please do not submit graphic compositions, word games, derivations of concrete poetry, or music lyrics. It is about letting go, and writing down whatever words come to your mind, as you believe must be read… as If it made any sense. It is about words, and about more words. Not about storytelling, not about describing in detail the sunrise in your town. It is about generating abstract imagery using words in a conventional format but unconventional order and composition.

You can read the Abstract Literature Manifesto at

David Quiles Guilló will do the final selection and define the order the texts will appear inside the publication. If any of your texts are featured, you will get 5 free copies of the published book.

These copies are your remuneration for participating. Copies will be available to be shipped, Abstract Editions cannot afford worldwide shipping, but we will find together the cheapest way to get your copies to you, and hopefully you can get some cash back by selling some copies in your whereabouts.

The published book will sport 240 pages, in DIN A5 size, so a lot of text fits into it. It will go into print before end of 2015. A|E will publish 1000 copies of the book.

Remaining copies of the book (after sending all courtesy copies to all featured writers) will be distributed and sold online and offline, in order to try to alleviate the important printing investment, and hopefully to get funds for new titles.

So, enough reading, start writing your abstract texts, and send them to me as soon as you have them, as book is now being done as you read this.

Please submit your texts via email: editions.abstract [at]
with the subject: AE2 contribution

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Abstract Literature Discussion Group

Abstract Editions