Call for contributions – DIWANS.ORG, a participatory web project inspired by Hafez and Goethe

DIWANS.ORG is a participatory web project proposing an intercultural dialogue through artistic responses. DIWANS.ORG is generated by people around the world who are invited to produce and upload audio-visual creations inspired by the poetry of the Persian poet Hafez and the German writer Goethe. It is a contemporary interactive poetry bundle, in which you can contribute with an audio-visual response and discover which creations are inspired by your own work. You can also go deeply into in the related contexts or simply enjoy the audio-visual poems.

At its core, DIWANS.ORG is an artwork authored by everyone. It will create an alternative space on internet for new ways of story telling and making audio-visual poetry. We hope it will inspire people to see the beauty of our growing intercultural community.

Project initiated and directed by Marc Colpaert and Laurent Van Lancker / artistic co-direction Susanne Weck / produced by Polymorfilms (Mieke De Wulf) / webdesign by La Villa Hermosa / assistants : Stijn Van Asch, Wim De Winter, Arjang Omrani, Sadaf Javdani / expertise: Katharina Mommsen, Pir Safi Ali Shah, Martin Bidney, Kader Abdolah, Shahid Alam / translations: Martin Bidney, Kader Abdolah, Koen Stassijns, Hossein Khadjehzadeh / thanks to: Afshin Houshmand, Ian Connerty, Guido Colpaert, Nazanin Javaheri, Mohammad Sheherazad, Ven de la Cruz, Florence Aigner, Michael Murthaugh.

DIWANS.ORG is funded by the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF), the Ministry of the Belgian French Community (FWB), Flemish Literature Fund (VFL) and Katharina Mommsen.

Supporting partners : Bozar Music, Bozar Cinema- Brussels, Literaturwerkstatt Berlin.

DIWANS.ORG also exists as a live performance and a multimedia installation

Please email contact [at] for questions about this project.