Call for artworks – Digital Queers – deadline 17 April 2015

OCR with its Media Exhibition Platform announces an international call for artworks that deal with the issue of ‘Digital Queers’ in all of its multifaceted manifestations. The exhibition is curated by Lanfranco Aceti and Richard Rinehart and will be presented online from June 1, 2015 to July 15, 2015. The call is opened to exploring a wide range of media: from memes to gifs, from video to photography, from documentation of previous installation to artworks that present public places interventions, from gay activism to personal and intimate artworks. This call is for artworks that can and/or are made to be experienced online. The exhibition will coincide with the Digital Queers conference at The New School where some of the artworks will be presented and discussed. We are also looking for artists’ presentations and if you would be interested in presenting at the conference the abstracts submission instructions are here.

This exhibition will be followed by another, gallery-installed exhibition, in Spring 2016 that will be announced at a later date. If artists would like works to be considered as early entries for the Spring 2016 show, please indicate this in your application.

Deadline for submission is April 17, 2015.

Please submit the following information in a single PDF document:
1) Short bio (200 words maximum);
2) Brief description of the artworks (300 to 500 words maximum);
3) Indicate by writing Early Entry 2016 that you are willing for your works to be considered for the 2016 gallery installed exhibition;
4) List of links to artworks (maximum 10 links to artworks);
5) Any special technical requirements (if any) for online display;
6) Email heading Digital Queers Artworks Submission;
7) Email your submission.

All instructions for submission are available at this link.

For registration, information and updates please subscribe to the newsletter.

Please note at this stage DO NOT submit images via email.

The selected artists will receive information on how to submit their artworks.