The Turn on Literature Prize – Call for works of electronic literature
Submit your works of electronic literature to win the Turn on Literature Prize and exhibit at European libraries.
Is society’s digital turn reflected in the way we read and write literature? Will literature be “turned on” by digital media? How do media change culture? How does culture change and inform the digital field? From Autumn 2017 to Spring 2017, Electronic literature exhibitions at libraries in Denmark, Norway and Romania will address these questions.
The Project “Turn on Literature”, funded under the EU Program Creative Europe, is calling out for works of Electronic Literature for exhibitions at libraries in Bergen, Norway, Ramnicu Valcea, Romania and Roskilde, Denmark. The exhibitions will last 5 weeks in each location. A total of 100.000 people are expected to visit the exhibitions. For the exhibitions we seek works of electronic literature, understood as “works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer.” As a general rule these works are not “e-books” which could be printed and read in a book, but instead multimedia literary artefacts which are only possible to fully experience through digital media.
5 works will be shortlisted and displayed in the exhibitions and one work will be selected and win the prestigious “Turn on” award and prize.
The Turn on Literature Prize
The shortlists will be publicized and the winner of the Turn on Prize will receive mention in digital and local media. A 1000 EURO fee for displaying the winning work at the three libraries will be granted. The winner will be invited to talks in Bergen (Norway) and Roskilde libraries (Denmark) during the exhibition periods. Each talk will include a fee of 1500 EUROs to cover expenses.
Works must be produced within the last two years.
The work should be able to be displayed inside a library on a screen, with a projector, or with a tablet such as an iPad. If the work requires extra equipment; it should be standard equipment or provided by the artist.
Works should be working at the time of submission and easily displayed with instructions.
If your work gets shortlisted, you grant the libraries the right to display it during the entirety of the exhibition period (minimum 5 weeks in each of three libraries).
A digital copy of the work for use in the libraries and online display is required.
All works must be in English language.*
Note: Works in the local language of each library (Danish, Norwegian, and Romanian) will also be selected through a separate process.
Dates for exhibitions
Roskilde: 4 October – 14 November 2017
Bergen: November-December 2017
Ramnicu Valcea: January 2018
Deadline for submissions
10 June 2017
Announcement of selected works
30 June 2017
Contact for questions: Allan Thomsen Volhøj –
The Jury
Scott Rettberg – Professor, Head of Electronic Literature Research Group, University of Bergen
Søren Pold, PhD and Associate Professor of digital aesthetics, Aarhus University
Radu Vancu, poet, literary critic and translator
Sverre Helge Bolstad, Head of department for Technology and learning, Bergen Public Library
Margrete Rasmussen, Head of department for Program, Bergen Public Library
Dragos Marinoiu, librarian, foreign literature department, Antim Ivireanul Valcea County Library
Bogdan Dobre Serafim, librarian, foreign literature department, Antim Ivireanul Valcea County Library
Allan Thomsen Volhøj, librarian, projects and digital literature, Roskilde Libraries
Martin Campostrini, digital developer, projects and digital literature, Roskilde Libraries
Submit you work today: