November 14-17, 2017
This year, the International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2017) will take place in Funchal, Madeira Islands, Portugal and be hosted by the ?Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute <http://www.m-iti.org/>.
We encourage original contributions in the forms of research papers, position papers, posters and demonstrations, presenting new scientific results, innovative theories, novel technological implementations, case studies and creative artistic projects in the field of Interactive Digital Storytelling and its possible applications in different domains. We particularly welcome research on topics in five areas, such as storytelling technologies and analyses and evaluation of systems. (More information here) <http://icids2017.m-iti.org/?page_id=232#papers>.
Call for Papers <http://icids2017.m-iti.org/?page_id=232#papers>:
• June 23rd, 2017 – Submission deadline – Authors are strongly advised to upload their submissions well in advance of this deadline. (11:59 pm. HST)
• July 31st, 2017 – Papers accept/reject notifications sent.
• August 25th, 2017 – Paper camera-ready due.
Call for Workshops: <http://icids2017.m-iti.org/?page_id=232#workshops>
• July 7th, 2017 – Workshop proposal submission deadline
• August 4th, 2017 – Workshop accept/reject notifications sent.
Call for Demos, Posters and Doctoral Consortium (DC) <http://icids2017.m-iti.org/?page_id=232#consortium>:
• August 4th, 2017 – Demo, Poster and DC submission deadline.
• August 25th, 2017 – Demo, Poster and DC accept/reject notifications.
• September 1st, 2017 – Demo, Poster and DC camera-ready due.
Call for Art Exhibitions:
• August 4th, 2017 – Art Exhibition submission deadline.
• September 4th, 2017 – Art Exhibition accept/reject notifications sent.
Call for Student Volunteers <http://icids2017.m-iti.org/?page_id=232#volunteers>: Let’s keep the conference organized and running smoothly!
• August 14th – Application deadline
• August 25st – Notification of acceptance
November 14-17, 2017 – ICIDS Conference.
The peer review process for ICIDS’17 is double blind – neither authors nor reviewers are informed of the identity of the other party. All submissions must follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Science <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0> (LNCS) format. Papers must be written in English, and only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered for review. Submissions that receive high ratings in the peer review process will be selected for publication by the program committee.
(More information <http://icids2017.m-iti.org/?page_id=232#guidelines>).
The submission categories are:
• Full papers (10-12 pages in the main proceedings) describing interesting, novel results or completed work in all areas of interactive digital storytelling and its applications.
• Short papers (6-8 pages in the main proceedings) presenting exciting preliminary work or novel, thought-provoking ideas in their early stages.
• Demos and Posters (2-4 pages in the backmatter of the proceedings) describing working, presentable systems or brief explanations of a research project.
• Doctoral Consortium (2-4 pages in the backmatter of the proceedings) describing core topics, issues, problem statements, outcomes and/or progress of a student’s PhD studies.
• Workshops (2-4 pages, not in proceedings) organizers must submit their calls for participation to icids2017workshops [at] m-iti [dot] org
General chair
Valentina Nisi, Madeira-Interactive Technologies Institute, University of Madeira, PT
Programme Chairs
Nuno Nunes, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, PT
Ian Oakley, Busan Univesity, KR