Cafe Culturel – Digital Life: Facebook, YouTube, & Second Life – Leicester, 6 November 2007, 6.30pm

Digital Life: Facebook, YouTube, & Second Life


It seems like only yesterday that we caught up with people through chance meetings in the street, and heard the latest gossip down the pub. In fact it almost was! In the last year Facebook has become, for many, an indispensable tool for finding those old school friends, organising birthday parties, unceremoniously dumping your other half, and telling everyone just how much you love Elton John. Elsewhere on the web we find your latest happy slap on Youtube, and people actually living their lives online through Second Life.

But, although compelling, should we be cautious about the depth of our involvement with these new technologies? With reports that children are growing up with advanced communication skills but few social skills, worries about the use of video sharing sites for nefarious means, and concerns about data protection rife, do we find ourselves debasing the mores and rights that underpin our freedom, simply for the sake of convenience? Or are these concerns unfounded and the changes brought by the web for the benefit of all?

Come and discuss what you love and hate about web2.0 at Cafe Culturel on Tuesday November 6th at 6.30pm. At the LCB Depot 31 Rutland Street, Leicester, LE1 1RE

Cafe Culturel is a free event occurring on the first Tuesday of every month.

In Tuesday December 4ths Cafe Culturel we’ll be looking at the developing creative scenes outside of London. Next year we start again in February when we’ll be talking about Comedy.