Bunk Magazine / Mad Hatters’ Review mashup

Bunk Magazine presents its mash-up with Carol Novack’s Mad Hatters’ Review
http://bunkmagazine.com (note the new URL)

Mash up the contents yourself and see guest mash-ups, including ELO artist Jeremy Hight

Of particular interest would be Jeremy Douglass’ e-lit cube featuring:
* Talking Cure. Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Camille Utterback, Clilly Castiglia, and Nathan Wardrip-Fruin
* Dakota. Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries.
* Project for Tachistoscope [Bottomless Pit]. William Poundstone
* Screen. Noah Wardrip-Fruin.
* WE CAME: A History. Gertrude Stein, on Bob Brown’s Reading Machine, as implemented by Craig Saper.
* Faith. Robert Kendall.

Also, see Prezi poetry.

Note: Some text content is a bit adult.

Bunk Magazine is a new media satire (and now 15% more literary) site.

Dir of Com
And Editor of Bunk