Max. length for submitted films is 12 minutes.
VHS (PAL) or DVD (PAL) only for the submission process.
Please mark your entry according to which screening you are submitting for e.g Main, Matinee, bang! in the bar (you can enter a film in more than one category)
Main Event- Films suitable for an adult audience.
Matinee – Films made by Young Filmmakers or suitable for a family audience.
Bangimation – For animation and sequential art.
Community – Films from community groups, schools / colleges and what’s going on in your area? more info
bang! in the bar- see below (CaféBar)
(please contact us with any queries regarding the different screenings)
You are encouraged to download and use our undemanding entry form (PDF). If not, please include your full details, film length and a short summary. Submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail if address provided.
bang! in the bar uses the Broadway CaféBar as a unique venue for screening primarily visual work – films featured in the Cafébar are projected onto a large wall space on a loop throughout the evening both with and without audio. Films with dialogue are not usually suitable. If you have a piece of work which you think is appropriate for this environment, please mark it as a bang! in the bar entry.
Tape submissions should be sent to:
Broadway Cinema & Media Centre,
14-18 Broad Street,