Back from Interactive Futures

Update 22 December 2007: Garth Rankin’s documentation of every event from IF07 is now up at


I’m back from Interactive Futures, and sufficiently recovered to blog a little about what a great event it was! Huge thanks to all the people involved in putting it on, in particular Steve Gibson, Randy Adams and Julie Andreyev, but also all the team at the OpenSpace gallery, and the other artists and speakers who made it such an interesting 3 days. And extra thanks to Randy and Jim Andrews for putting me up before and after the main event, enabling me to see some of the beautiful countryside in that part of the world.

Below are just a few of my event photos – if you are interested in seeing more, all my photos from the trip and event are available at

Lilia Pérez Romero's Frontera, Interactive Futures 2007 in Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaInteractive Futures 2007 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Interactive Futures 2007 in Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaFiona Bowie's Slip/host, Interactive Futures 2007 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

For even more photos and gossip there is an ongoing documentation page on the IF07 site. Christine Wilks (part of our “Devil’s Journal” CD/performance trio) has also written a great report of the event here.

And finally…

Photocollagen, Interactive Futures 2007 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada here is the online version of Photocollagen, the piece I created at the event with the help of photographer Garth Rankin, that was beautifully projected in the entrance of the OpenSpace gallery… an ever-changing collage of the presenters and artists that attended IF07.