The AR in education event will take place on Friday 19th October 2012. This is a free to attend event (funded by JISC), aimed at promoting the use of AR in education.
City University London, has recently been looking at how Augmented Realty can be embedded in teaching and learning, as part of a JISC funded project, other examples of AR to enhance teaching and learning can be seen at the University of Exeter and University of Manchester.
The event will be of interest to those who are currently using, or wish to further explore the use of AR in education, irrespective of levels of expertise (although a basic understanding is assumed).
Some of our current confirmed speakers include:
Lester Maddan – from Augmented Planet and author of Professional Augmented Reality Browsers for Smartphones: Programming for junaio, Layar and Wikitude
Matthew Ramirez – who works on the Special Collections using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching (SCARLET) project at the University of Manchester.
Steve Boneham – JISC Netskills
Luke Robert Mason – Researcher in Technology & Cyberculture | Director at @VirtualFutures
Rob Miles – Author of Start Here! Learn the Kinect API
Lee Stott from Microsoft