The Department of Architecture at the University at Buffalo is seeking candidates for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor in Interaction Design, to begin Fall 2008 or Spring 2009.
Qualified applicants should have a terminal degree in Architecture, Interaction Design or Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and have a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching, research and/or creative practice. We seek applicants with expertise in one or more of the following areas: human-computer interaction; perceptual and cognitive factors in design; tangible and social computing; digital fabrication and rapid prototyping. The successful candidate will teach graduate design courses, advanced seminars and conduct research in their area of expertise. S/he will be committed to interdisciplinary research related to Architecture and Pervasive Computing through the Center for Virtual Architecture (CVA), a designated center for excellence at the University at Buffalo.
The CVA’s research is located at the intersection of architecture, new media and computing. This research is aligned with the
University’s “UB 2020” strategic strengths in “Information and Computing Technology” and “Artistic Expression and Performing
Arts” []. The CVA is interested in the possibilities offered by computational systems for rethinking human interaction with (and within) the built environment. Its focus areas include responsive architecture, pervasive media, and learning environments [].
The School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo is the only unit in the State University of New York (SUNY) system that offers the fully accredited Master of Architecture degree. The University at Buffalo is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Recruiter. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on March 1, 2008, and continue thereafter until the position is filled. To apply, please send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, electronic portfolio of research and/or creative activity (DVD or URL) and names of three references to:
Interaction Design Search Committee
Department of Architecture
University at Buffalo,
The State University of New York
112 Hayes Hall, 3435 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214-3087