7, 8 November: Portuguese Catholic University – Porto, Portugal
Call for Submissions
Artech 2008 is the fourth international workshop held in Portugal and Galicia on the topic of Digital Arts. It aims to promote contacts between Iberian and International contributors concerned with the conception, production and dissemination of Digital and Electronic Art. Artech 2008 brings the scientific, technological and artistic community together, promoting the interest in the digital culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field, a common space for discussion, an exchange of experiences, a forum for emerging digital artists and a way of understanding and appreciating new forms of cultural expression.
Main Topics
Main areas are related with sound, image, video, music, multimedia and other new media related topics, in the context of emerging practice of artistic creation.
Although non exclusive, the main topics of the conference are:
* Art and Science
* Audio-Visual and Multimedia Design
* Creativity Theory
* Electronic Music
* Generative and Algorithmic Art
* Interactive Systems for Artistic Applications
* Media Art history
* Mobile Multimedia
* Net Art and Digital Culture
* New Experiences with New Media and New Applications
* Tangible and Gesture Interfaces
* Technology in Art Education
* Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Authors are invited to submit:
* A full paper of six to ten pages for oral presentation
* A short paper up to four pages for poster presentations or Art Installations proposals Submissions are accepted in the conference official languages: English, Portuguese, Galician and Castilian.
Artech 2008 has the format of a conference with technical sessions, invited talks and discussion panels as well an exposition area for installations. All the contributions are subject to a blind peer-review and evaluation by the International Programme Committee. All papers accepted for presentation will be published in a duly registered book (ISBN) and a selection of the best papers will be published in an appropriate scientific and technological academic journal.
Important dates
Full papers submission: 2 June 2008
Installations proposals and short papers submission: 9 June 2008
Full papers notice of acceptance: 7 July 2008
Installations proposal and short papers notice of acceptance: 14 July 2008
[CITAR] Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts [] [UCP] Portuguese Catholic University – Porto, Portugal [] [UM] Minho University []Conference Chair:
António Camurri, DIST-U.Genova (IT)
Scientific Commitee:
Álvaro Barbosa, EA-UCP (PT) – President
Lola Dopico, FBA-UV (ES) – Vice-President
Leonel Valbom, DSI-UM (PT) – Vice-President
Henrique Silva, Bienal de Cerveira (PT) – Vice-President
Ana Amélia Carvalho, UM (PT)
Antoni Mercader, DEVP-UB (ES)
António Sousa Dias, CICM Paris VIII (FR)
Carlos Guedes, ESMAE-IPP (PT)
Charles A. Wuethrich, Bauhaus U. (DE)
Chris Chafe, CCRMA-Stanford (USA)
Christa Sommerer, K.U. Linz (AT)
Daniel Tércio, FMH-UTL (PT)
Diego Dall’Osto, CLMCM (IT)
Fabien Gouyon, INESC-Porto (PT)
Heitor Alvelos, FBA-UP (PT)
Ido Iurgel, CCG (PT)
James Faure-Walker, U. A. Camberwell, (UK)
Jon McCormack, Monash U. (AU)
Laura Baigorri, FBA-UB (ES)
Lucia Santaella Braga, PUC-SP (BR)
Manuel Gamito, Sheffield U. (UK)
Marc Cavazza, SC-TU (UK)
Marcelo Wanderlei, U. McGill (CA)
Nelson Zagalo, ICS-UM (PT)
Nuno Correia, DIFCT-UNL (PT)
Pau Alsina, UOC (ES)
Paulo Bernardino, DCA-UA (PT)
Paulo Dias, UM (PT)
Paulo Ferreira Lopes, EA-UCP (PT)
Paulo Rodrigues, Casa da Música (PT)
Pavel Sedlák, CIANT (CZ)
Pedro Branco, UM (PT)
Pedro Faria Lopes, ISCTE (PT)
Penousal Machado, DEI-UC (PT)
Perla Innocenti, HATII-U.Glasgow, (UK)
Roberto Bresin, KTH (SE)
Sandra Pauleto, U. York (UK)
Seamus Ross, HATII-U.Glasgow (UK )
Sol Alonso Romera, UV (ES)
Stefan Göbel, ZGDV (DE)
Sefania Serafin, IMI-AAU (DK)
Sudhir Mudur, UC (CA)
Tomás Henriques, FCSH-UNL (PT)