An animated print – an animated viewer by Dominika Dronska, Leicester, 18-26 August 2011 #digitalart

Dominika Dronska
DMU CUBE Thu 18 – Fri 26 Aug

This exhibition is part of a Masters project that explores the interactive potential of advanced imaging technologies, analysing the creation and spectatorship of animated para-lenticulars created through an experimental art process.

The nine compositions displayed in the Cube combine non-standard lens-based media, lenticulars and collage to create works without precedent in the field of lenticular art. The visuals are based around the theme of movement and include subtle animation effects which are further enhanced by the experimental application of lenticular lenses. This gives an intensified viewing experience that prompts the audience to act and to move the body, enhancing the movement effect. Effectively, the audience co-creates the animation effect becoming a conscious co-author of the postmodern art project.

DMU Master’s Showcase
“An Animated Print – An Animated Viewer” is showing as part of the DMUMaster’s Showcase. work produced by current students on the innovativeMasters in Creative Technologies (MA/MSc), run from the Institute ofCreative Technologies at De Montfort University. Throughout the course,students develop and strengthen their individual creative technologiespractice, bringing together e-science, digital arts, design andhumanities to cross traditional disciplines and explore new ways ofworking.

For details about the IOCT Masters in Creative Technologies (MA/MSc), contact or visit