Akiyoshidai International Art Village residency – deadline 20 September 2007

Dear Artists and Colleagues,

Akiyoshidai International Art Village is an art institution run by the Yamaguchi Prefecture in Japan.

We’ve run an International Artist in Residency Program since we were established in 1998 as one of the pioneer artist residency institutions in Japan.

We’re pleased to announce the call for applications for our “trans_2007-2008; International Artist in Residence Support Program.”

The aim of “trans_2007-2008 Residence Support Program” is to support young artists’ experimental artistic activities, particularly those that venture beyond the borders of art disciplines and nationalities. Residents will be carefully selected by the Selection Committee of the Residence Program of Akiyoshidai International Art Village. We strongly hope that resident artists will actively tackle many different kinds of projects. Because of the “trans” is a primarily a project oriented artist-in-residence program, AIAV curators will endeavor to assist artists with the completion of their projects. For instance, we could assist in coordinating workshops, lectures, school visits, exhibitions, and so on. Resident artists will submit a proposal to realize such projects.


Residence Period: January 10 – March 20, 2008 [70 days]

Acceptable applicants: Young and emerging artists?[no limitations on discipline or specific age (individual/group)]

Conditions for application:
– Artists who are able to stay at the AIAV for the designated period of time.
– Artists who are willing to cooperate with our community projects, such as lectures, workshops, school visits, and exhibitions.
– Artists who are able to speak English.
– Artists who are willing to cooperate with the publicity efforts of AIAV and participate in the documentation of their working process.
– Artists who are willing to participate in the education programming with the Art University in Yamaguchi, and other local schools.

– Roundtrip transportation fee to the AIAV. (The fare will be calculated based on the standard set by AIAV.)
– Accommodation in AIAV [Western/Japanese style; a part of the Western style room has a mini kitchen.] – Studio [There are various types of studios. The allocation of studio is decided by the Selection Committee.] – Expenses for creative activities = 230,000 yen(individual) / 280,000 yen(group) * This amount will be assessed according to financial situation of the institution.
– Per diem = 2,800 yen x day ** This amount will be assessed according to financial situation of the institution.
– Accident insurance. [This is for basic injury, so prepare your own insurance for other kinds of coverage.]

How to apply:
– Applicants should make a photocopy of the attached application form or reproduce the same form and fill in the required details. ?Form is downloadable at http://www.aiav.jp?
– Attach your CV in English (a typed detailed profile) and enclose the items that explain your work (See the application sheet).
– If you have publications about your work, please attach them.

*Please understand that the items you submit will be kept in the village and cannot be returned.

*We will not accept the application via e-mail / telephone / FAX

Deadline: Applications must be received by 20th September, 2007 [date]

– Results will be announced in the beginning of November, 2007
– The results will be given to all the applicants. A total of 3 artists will be selected.

Applications & Inquiries should be addressed to:
Akiyoshidai International Art Village Residence Program:Trans_2007-2008
50 Akiyoshi, Shuho-cho, Mine-gun, Yamaguchi 754-0511 Japan
TEL +81-(0)837-63-0020 FAX +81-(0)837-63-0021
e-mail??URL?http://www.aiav.jp (Application formats are downloadable)


Organized by = Akiyoshidai International Art Village

Supported by =
Yamaguchi Prefecture, The Yamaguchi Board of Education,
Shuho Town, Shuho Town Board of Education, Mito Town,
Mito Town Board of Education,
Mine City, Mine City Board of Education