Ableton Workshop Festival
Sat 24 Nov, 10am
Tickets: £10 / £8 conc.
After purchase please visit with your booking reference number to sign up to workshops.
On Nov 24th 2012 Leicester’s Cultural quarter will play host to Creative Technology Live. CTL is a workshop event for artists, musicians, students and teachers to explore Ableton Live, software which enables the development of unique sounds, stunning visuals and engaging interactive media.
Having developed a global community since its creation in 2001, Ableton Live has fast become one of the best selling music software packages on the market for its ease of use and ability to bridge the gap between electronic and traditional performance.
Utilising straightforward design that allows it to communicate with apps, controllers and other software systems Ableton have developed software that redefines the work flow of musicians, Deejays and multi-media artists alike allowing the development of unique performance and collaboration opportunities.
For more info: