A Process of Living, Leicester, UK – opens 11 July 2008

Exploring the relationship between visual arts and education

A Process of Living includes
John Aiken
Ed Allington
Glenn Boulter
Copenhagen Free University
John Hilliard
John Latham
Measure by Measure
Michael Craig Martin
Bruce McLean
United Nations Plaza
Annika Ström
Gary Woodley

Open 11 July to 29 August
Tuesday to Friday 11am to 6pm
Saturday 10am to 5pm

The City Gallery
90 Granby Street
0116 223 2060


for further information and press please contact:
Hugo Worthy on hugo.worthy [at] leicester.gov.uk
or +44 (0)116 223 2063

Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living
– John Dewey