7° International Art Prize Arte – deadline 8 November 2012

The Italian Cultural Association MoCA (Modern Contemporary Art), in collaboration with Arte Laguna, organizes the Seventh Edition of the International Art Prize “Arte Laguna”, aimed at promoting and enhancing contemporary art. The total value of the Prize is 170.000 Euros.
The Prize obtained a medal by the President of the Italian Republic, with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Veneto Region, the Municipality of Venice, Cà Foscari University of Venice, and the European Institute of Design among others. The contest features the awarding of cash prizes, the organization of an important collective exhibition in Venice, exhibitions in Art Galleries, Art Residencies and the publication of the official Catalogue. The Prize is divided into five sections: painting, photographic art, sculpture and installation, video and performance, and virtual art. Each prize money amount is 7.000 euros.
Furhter info: http://ow.ly/c6Opl

Arte Laguna Prize
Via Roma, 29/A
Mogliano V.to (TV) Italy
Telephone: +39 041 5937242 – int. 4
Fax: +39 041 8627948