48 hours | The Brain Trilogy by Wiretrace – 2 November 2013, 8-10pm, Edinburgh

48 hours | The Brain Trilogy by Wiretrace

Saturday 2nd November 2014, 8-10pm.
Inspace, 1 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB

The Brain Trilogy is a live experiment in time, space and sound by Glasgow-based Wiretrace. Interactive 3D stereo, mapped projections and live audio mixing enable the viewer to experience an ever-changing immersive experience.

The work, inspired by neurologists from the Open University, seeks to recreate the beautiful and subtle morphology of the brain and ask fundamental questions as to the physical nature of memory and inner personal reality.

Also open 2nd November from 2-8pm & 3rd November from 12-8pm.

Wiretrace is an animation and design company located in central Glasgow, directed by Deborah Norton and Moyra Campbell, both graduates from Glasgow Art School MPhil course in 2D/3D motion graphics. Deborah comes from an acclaimed fine arts background, while Moyra was formarly a scientist with PhD and postgraduate experience in molecular biology.