101010 UpStage Festival of cyberformance call for proposals – deadline 31 March 2010

The fourth UpStage festival of cyberformance (live online performance) will be held on 101010 (10 October 2010). The call is now open for performance proposals.

The 101010 Upstage Festival aims to create a participatory space for collaboration, creation, and for the presentation of current cyberformance. The festival provides a platform (and shares the technichal expertise) to enable artists to experiment with the new medium, and to have their work seen alongside performances by internationally renowned practitioners – in a celebration of the evolution and diversity of cyberformance practices.

To submit a proposal, email the following information to info [at] upstage.org.nz:

* working title of your cyberformance and 3-4 sentences about it;
* names and locations of people involved;
* brief background/bios (not more than 300 words each);
* preferred time(s), in your local time, for presentation on 101010;
* contact email and postal address.

Performances can be on any theme or topic; the only rules are it must be no longer than 20 minutes, and must be created and performed in UpStage (for information about past festivals and performances, see the links at the left).

*The deadline for proposals is 31 March 2010*; the preliminary selection will be made by 30 April, with the public announcement of the selected performances on 1 September 2010.

The festival will take place online in UpStage on 101010, with RL (’real life’) access nodes at locations around the world. If you are interested in hosting a RL access node, please contact us for further information and technical requirements.

Participating artists will be listed and acknowledged on the UpStage web site. We will endeavour to record all the performances and provide participating artists with copies for documentation, however this is dependent on volunteer resources (if you can help with this aspect of the festival, please contact us).

UpStage is an open source venue for web-based performance and is licensed under the Creative Commons and GPL. All copyright of artworks remains with the artists; we encourage artists to use Creative Commons.

For information and documentation about previous festivals and performances, visit http://www.upstage.org.nz.

If you have any questions, please email info [at] upstage.org.nz. We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Helen Varley Jamieson, Vicki Smith and Dan Untitled
101010 Curators